How to find graphing functions on ti-84

A graphing function is a function that can be represented by a curve on a coordinate plane. Graphing functions can help us visualize the behavior and properties of the function, such as its domain, range, intercepts, extrema, and asymptotes. On a ti-84 calculator, we can graph functions using the Y= editor, the GRAPH button, and the WINDOW settings. In this article, we will explain how to graph functions on a ti-84 calculator with examples.

graphing functions on ti-84

Entering functions

To enter a function that we want to graph, we need to use the Y= editor. To access the Y= editor, we press the Y= button on the calculator. We will see a screen like the one shown below.

The Y= editor allows us to enter up to ten functions, labeled from Y1 to Y0. To enter a function, we use the keypad to type the expression of the function, using the X,T,θ,n button for the variable x. For example, suppose we want to graph the function f(x) = x^2 - 3x + 2. We would enter it as X^2 - 3X + 2 in the Y1 slot. See the screen below.

We can enter more than one function in the Y= editor if we want to graph them together. For example, suppose we also want to graph the function g(x) = 2x - 4. We would enter it as 2X - 4 in the Y2 slot. See the screen below.

To select or deselect a function for graphing, we can highlight its equal sign and press ENTER. A selected function will have a dark equal sign, while a deselected function will have a light equal sign. See the screen below.

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Graphing functions

To graph the functions that we have entered and selected in the Y= editor, we need to press the GRAPH button on the calculator. We will see a screen like the one shown below.

The calculator will plot the points of the functions on the coordinate plane, using different colors and styles for each function. We can see the color and style of each function in the Y= editor, next to its label. For example, the function Y1 is graphed in blue and solid, while the function Y2 is graphed in red and dashed. See the screen below.

Adjusting the window

The window of the graph is the rectangular region of the coordinate plane that we can see on the screen. The window is determined by four values: Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, and Ymax. These values represent the minimum and maximum values of x and y that are displayed on the graph. To access the window settings, we need to press the WINDOW button on the calculator. We will see a screen like the one shown below.

graphing functions on ti-84

To change the window settings, we can enter new values for Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, and Ymax, using the keypad and the ENTER button. We need to make sure that Xmin < Xmax and Ymin < Ymax, or we will get an error message. For example, suppose we want to change the window to display the values of x from -5 to 5, and the values of y from -10 to 10. We would enter -5 for Xmin, 5 for Xmax, -10 for Ymin, and 10 for Ymax. See the screen below.

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![Changing the window]

After changing the window settings, we need to press the GRAPH button again to see the new graph. We will see a screen like the one shown below.

![New graph]

The calculator also has some preset window options that we can use to quickly adjust the window. To access these options, we need to press the ZOOM button on the calculator. We will see a screen like the one shown below.

![Zoom options]

The zoom options allow us to choose from different window settings, such as ZStandard, which sets the window to the standard values of Xmin = -10, Xmax = 10, Ymin = -10, and Ymax = 10; ZDecimal, which sets the window to the decimal values of Xmin = -6.3, Xmax = 6.3, Ymin = -4.7, and Ymax = 4.7; ZFit, which sets the window to fit the functions that are graphed; and ZBox, which allows us to draw a box around the region that we want to zoom in. To select a zoom option, we can use the arrow keys and the ENTER button, or we can press the number that corresponds to the option. For example, to select the ZStandard option, we can press 6 or highlight 6:ZStandard and press ENTER. See the screen below.

After selecting a zoom option, we will see the new graph with the new window settings. We can repeat this process until we find a suitable window for our graph.


In this article, we learned how to find graphing functions on a ti-84 calculator using the Y=, GRAPH, WINDOW, and ZOOM buttons. Graphing functions can help us explore and analyze the functions, as well as compare and contrast different functions. We hope this article was helpful and informative. For more information on graphing functions and other math concepts, you can check out this website.